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Artwork Contest:


Submit your artwork to for a chance to have it displayed on Boo Bear's Wall, our homepage!

Don't forget to include your name, age, and the state you live in!




Spanish Word Contest:


What word should Guino say next? We know he only says one Spanish word in every book, so what do you think he should say in the next book? And why should he say it? What does the word mean to you? Is it special? Do you say it often? 


E-mail your word and answers to the questions above for a chance to win a free book if we pick your word. And if it fits in with the next book, your word may even appear in the next book! E-mail to




Glow-at-night bugs counting contest:


The first person to e-mail us the correct amount of glow-at-night bugs in the book, "Boo Bear and the Glow-at-Night Bug" will win a special gift! You can only guess once, so make it count!

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